Prepare For Destiny 2: Lightfall With The Beyond Light Expansion, Available With PlayStation Plus

Prepare for Destiny 2: Lightfall with the Beyond Light expansion, available with PlayStation Plus

Destiny 2: Lightfall is just a few weeks away, and we're excited to announce that the critically acclaimed expansion Beyond Light is available to PlayStation Plus subscribers until March 6, starting today. Make the most of the Beyond Light stasis subclass, powerful alien items, and more.

Beyond Light not only unlocks the Frost-themed Stasis subclass, but also an exciting campaign filled with Frozen cosmetics, legendary gear, and powerful exotic armor and weapons.

Use powerful weapons

Weapons like No Time to Explain, a strange pulse weapon wielded by the legendary time-travelling alien.

No time to explain, accurate shots and shooting enemies in stasis will turn bullets at a clip. Combine this effect to summon a missile-firing portal from an alternate weapon timeline.

And since Destiny 2 lets you power up the weapons and armor you collect, your favorite Beyond Light gear can be as powerful as you want it to be when you start your Lightfall adventure. This means you can immediately start turning your Guardian into a chilling monster killing machine that will make Neptune's tormentors tremble in their boots.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The light lasts until February 28. Today we turn to Europa, the cold and treacherous moon of Jupiter. Let's start with the force that follows Iramis, the Dark Death; The very power you will learn to use throughout the campaign.

Dark Subclass 1: Stagnation

Beyond Light is significant for several reasons, but most of all, it's the first time a new subclass has been added to the original trio of Arc, Solar, and Void. He is the only subclass that derives its power from darkness rather than light. Dive into Beyond the Light today, it's your chance to catch up with Stasis as you prepare for the threats of Lightfall.

Basically, Stasis is the power that unlocks the Guardians' ability to slow, freeze, and destroy their enemies; And each class has its own way of working with the new element;

Shadowlord Warlock . The Shadowlord can summon a stasis staff that fires projectiles that can freeze enemies, immobilizing them instantly. Penumbral Blast is a rapid burst of stasis energy that shoots out of a staff and instantly freezes those it hits.

Hunter Revenant . They can't kill someone they can't beat. Hunters use the power of stasis to slow down enemies, multiplying their effectiveness on the battlefield. Hunter's Super features a pair of Kam blades that explode when thrown at opponents, creating a stagnant storm that follows latecomers.

Hypo Titan . If you like getting up close and personal with bad guys, may we introduce you to the Hippo Titan? Behemoth chooses the most direct way to resolve the conflict.

Destination: Europe

On Jupiter's moon Europa, you'll find Stasis, Eramis, and Dark Kelly and his fallen army. As you progress through the story of Beyond the Light, you'll learn about her motivations and the dark conspiracy taking place on humanity's doorstep.

In addition to the campaign that takes you across Europe with Empire Hunts and Exo Challenges, there's also a new three-player raid and a six-player raid.

Glass road . A Braytech facility in Asterion Abyss in Europe contains a unique Vex gate. Eramis went so far as to use this long-dormant gate for an unknown purpose.

Deep stone vault . Deep on the surface of Europe is a structure that dates back to the Gilded Age. Information about what it contained has been lost over time... until now. Inside this hidden cave, something whispers to Iramis. As he tries to get in, the Guardians will intervene and in the process learn the dark truth about what happened here.

Are you ready for the challenge? Are you ready to face the power that whispers to you from the dark and cold wasteland? Then maybe we should upgrade your weapons and armor...

Strange force

From lightning sniper rifles to gauntlet combat that poisons enemies, here are three of over a dozen new exotic items you can start collecting today for Neomoon missions in Lightfall.

Cloudstrike - Accurate finishing strikes will cause lightning to strike the target location. Rapidly accurate shots will cause a real storm at the point of impact.

necrotic fistula. Melee attackers , damage increases over time. Defeating a wounded warrior spreads corruption to nearby targets and restores energy to fight.

sigh . He sighed to twirl the blade, then hit his opponents with shields. At its peak, the damage dealt to the warrior heals the wielder.

Some exotic items (like the Necrotic Grip) are so powerful that you can build entirely new builds around them, while others fit easily into whatever playstyle you're currently into.

behind the falling light

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once you've launched Lightfall and introduced Strands (Destiny's Darkness' second class, which packs a punch, by the way) to the world, you'll have new ways to approach Europe in a very different way. Including mixing and matching alien Beyond Light items with Strand abilities and vice versa.

Just imagine stopping enemies with Strand and boosting your wail for a powerful attack, or stopping the Executioner in his tracks with Stasis. Once you've mastered the grappling hook, how exciting is it to fly through the platforming sections of Deep Stone Crypt with the Strand? The possibilities are only limited by your creativity.

In fact, you should probably use whatever you think would be a good hit.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available to all PlayStation Plus subscribers until March 6, 2023, and will be available for the lifetime of the subscription. The Destiny 2 base game is required to be played, but the good news is that it's available for free on the PlayStation Store*.

Download and start playing today! We hope you enjoy Europe and prepare for the next chapter of Lightfall. Our end is only the beginning and humanity needs every guardian available to call upon.

*Some features may require a PlayStation Plus membership.

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