Ironwood Studios Returns With A First Look At The Gameplay Of Pacific Drive

Ironwood Studios returns with a first look at the gameplay of Pacific Drive

It's good to be back in the area. My name is Blake from Ironwood Studios and I'm here to tell you more about what's happening off the beaten path on Pacific Drive.

The life inside the wall is extremely dangerous, you will have to trust a reliable van when you leave the old auto repair shop. Make sure you top up your seat before each trip. letting the tank dry is a good way to put an end to a bad finish. Explore winding landscapes and long-abandoned sites as you scavenge for resources to keep your car running long enough to return safely. Collect it in its entirety and use the collected materials to repair and upgrade the bin before moving on.

Ironwood Studios is back with a first look at Pacific Drive gameplay

As shown in our latest trailer, you will encounter strange anomalies, many of which are not very friendly. There are warped turrets that fire heavy bolts of electricity at anything that gets too close, and underground metal plates that rip through the ground, ripping apart dirt and tyres. When stocking up, stay close to your vehicle, one of those menacing flying trash cans might just slip away with it. You must carefully observe and understand these anomalies to understand what needs to be built to survive the next encounter. Equip your car to resist their attempts to complete your races, and upgrade your car skin from bare metal to special armor plates that protect against the worst elements of the Zone.

When it comes to modifying your vehicle, it's not just about the fasteners. Add new roof racks to your car and equip them with additional road equipment like fuel tanks, wind turbines and automatic parking brakes. You'll need every little edge when you're in the area. Everyone needs the extra room to stow their gear in a roof rack, but you can also install a controllable front light, a zip to charge the battery when things get a little rough, or a host of other devices based on experimental technology. they use. you will find that they are in your career.

As you map out the area, each expedition takes you further and further beyond the walls. Your travels will take you through complex terrain, and each area has its own set of nightmarish anomalies. These new risks bring new rewards. Some resources can only be found in dangerous places. Just make sure your car is ready for the task. If you're riding in swampy mud, you need to switch to wheels that can handle mud and water. If you have to traverse a perpetually dark valley, a few ceiling lights to light the way will go a long way. And if you're anything like me, you may have been struck by lightning a few times. A high-tech engine upgrade will fix the "I can't get out of here fast enough" problem.

Speaking of terrible weather and strange cataclysms in the belt, we have to talk about belt storms. These expanding vortexes tear the map apart, reshaping wildlife and dealing massive damage to anyone (or anyone) caught in them. Radiation is a common problem when driving in the woods, but when the Zone Storm hits in full force, it's better to try to avoid it altogether than drive through the trees, hoping your car can hold its own while you watch the panel melt. . . Keep your foot on the gas pedal and steer the car towards the gate. each successful return is one step closer to escaping the zone.

Dig for resources, explore abandoned sites, upgrade your garage and get behind the wheel, then venture into the wilds to uncover the mysteries and urban legends of the Zone. The utopian hope for strange new technologies may disappear, but its vestiges remain.

Pacific Drive will be released on PlayStation 5 in 2023.

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