Since the reindeer are no longer in the yard and it is known that Skábma - Snowfall will be released soon on PS4 and PS5, I would like to take this opportunity to explain what our game is really about.

What is scapma?
Skábma - Snowfall is an adventure game set in a fictional version of a Sami country and inspired by the indigenous Sami culture. The story combines fact and fiction and delves into the heart of a culture: showing its ancient (and sometimes current) beliefs, customs and histories.
Everything in the game revolves around Sammy.
Who are Sammy?
I just found out that not everyone knows Sami, so I'll give you the short version.
We are a very small indigenous group spread across northern Scandinavia, Finland and Russia. There are approximately 100,000 Semites, divided into various Semitic groups and different languages.
All languages are considered endangered.
We are famous for our reindeer herding culture, but I can tell you more about us. But we only have a small space in this article. I invite you to go deeper and learn more about the Sami culture if you are interested.
Skábma history - snowfall
Skábma tells the story of Ailu, a young reindeer herder, whose regular duty as a reindeer herder turns into a mission to save his homeland after a strange disease begins to spread through the region. While following a runaway reindeer, Aiello comes across an ancient Noidy Drum, an item of power that should have been destroyed over a century ago.
This is the starting point on Ayla's journey to become the first Healer, Nide, Master, and Supreme in a century. All Isla needs to do now is learn to use the drum. easy right?
Skábma - snowfall game
It is not easy to master an instrument as powerful as the Nudian drum. Fortunately, the drum helps Ail reconnect with four familiar spirits who are willing to give him their powers.
The owl gives Ail the ability to dash and turn bleed (infected objects and enemies) into whirlwinds, making it much faster. The bear gives strength to the earth so that Ailu can stabilize himself against strong winds, create rocky platforms, and crush bloody obstacles. The trout grants healing and protective power. Finally, the nimble fox will allow you to jump higher and power up the bleeders.
Getting new powers and exploring places are the main mechanics of the game. There are also many items and secrets to discover in the game world. The compilation will reveal a lot of information about the Sami culture and open up much-needed dialogues.
Players are encouraged to get lost in the woods because you never know what you'll find.
I could go on all day saying how great it is that we now have the world's first PlayStation game with a Northern Sammy title. For players around the world to experience our unique culture. And how wonderful it is for players to dive into something fresh and new that has never been seen in gaming before.
So let's go back to the starting point of this blog and answer the question: what is our game really about? It's all about petting a reindeer!
Why do I think every man should pet a reindeer? Because the reindeer is the most important animal for the Sami, perhaps... but above all because You can and will feel the warmth and fuzziness from within. *
When Skábma - Snowfall hits PS5 and PS4 next year, expect to hug your horned friend and more.
Warning : Do not try to breed reindeer in the real world, they have sharp horns. Fortunately, you can do just that at Skábma.